Making Style Sheets Work

Discovering Ruby and Jekyll (part 3)

Posted by Debrant on November 27, 2018   1 minute read ∼ Tagged with  :   •  ∼ Filed in  : 

No style plus font shadowing

So everything looked great on http://localhost:4000, but after pushing up to my repo it looks like this. No CSS

A review of the debug console eventually showed that the original repo was all http: and now my pages won’t display with mixed content. A fast find and replace and I am up and running.

Now I start to customize the style sheets and format of the template. You may remember, last time I said that I wanted to make the inline images display nicer than default with markdown. To do this I hoped over to and read the first four entries and did the “How To” exercise. I decided what I wanted was a nice, size restricted image with a few extras like padding. I made the following class in my main.css

inline-img {
 float: left;
 padding: 20px;
 margin:5 5 1rem;

Next time

I am going to find a way to make all of the images in the slider gallery the same height, and then fix the search element

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