Learning about Jekyll

Discovering Ruby and Jekyll (part 1)

Posted by Debrant on November 18, 2018   1 minute read ∼ Tagged with  :   •  ∼ Filed in  : 

Alright, I have decided to see what all the fuss over Jekyll is about .

I have been meaning to add some personal pages to my Github anyway. So Jekyll has a Step-by-step-tutorial, but wasn’t there yet, as I didn’t have Ruby.

Since I have been doing a lot of Yocto and Buildroot work lately, I am on Ubuntu 16.04.5 and was able to follow the Jekyll on Ubuntu walk-through. After that it was back to the tutorial, which was by and large one of the easiest, but most helpful I have seen.

Next I looked for a cool theme, and fell in love with several, but my top two were Moon and MAD4Jekyll. In the end I chose the MAD4Jekyll theme and found that I needed to install the jekyll-paginate gem.

### Where does the build really happen?

It can be a little tricky figuring out where and how Jekyll is populating information when going from a very simple site (like in the tutorial) to a monster like MAD4Jekyll. My first attempts to get the MAD4Jekyll theme failed to pull over all of my edits.

I quickly realized is how easy it is to end up making changes in the wrong path. The _site folder is generated from sources when jekyll build or jekyll serve are issued.

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